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Serbia released official gazette RS 24/2024 containing updates to regulations concerning radio equipment by the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications (MIT).

These regulations delineate stipulations regarding radio equipment, encompassing equipment classifications, adherence to equipment and software combinations, registration procedures, conformity assessment, and equipment utilization.

The regulation applies to most radio equipment, with exemptions including radio equipment intended for amateur radio use, maritime and aviation equipment, customized research and development evaluation kits, and equipment designated for specific state-related activities in areas such as public safety, national defence, security, and criminal investigation.

The latest regulations took effect on March 30, 2024, and will be enforced starting from June 1, 2024.

Article 31 of the Regulation reaffirms that manufacturers are required to utilize the Serbian Conformity Mark until Serbia enters into the Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance (ACAA) with the EU or becomes a member of the EU. Subsequently, the CE mark will be used.

The requirement regarding personal data and privacy protection, fraud prevention, emergency services, and accessibility will come into effect on August 1, 2025, aligning with CE certification standards. Similarly, the timeline for implementing the requirements concerning common chargers will also be synchronized with CE certification.

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