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Type Approval for Fiji

Services For Radio & Wireless Devices

FIJI TYPE APPROVAL for Electrical and Electronic Equipment

Understanding Type Approval for Fiji

The Republic of Fiji’s conformity assessment is based on the American (FCC), Australian (RCM) and European (EU) Conformity Standards.

Any person intending to import any telecommunications equipment or apparatus, including radio transmitting devices, other than equipment exempted by regulations must obtain an import permit from the authority i.e. Telecommunications Authority of Fiji (TAF).

In Fiji, there is no need for local laboratory testing or contact with a local representative to obtain the Type approval for Fiji.

Regulatory Body

In Fiji, the Telecommunications Authority oversees type approval, enforcing the Type Approval Regulations 2009. They evaluate and approve various electrical and electronic equipment, such as:

  • Telecommunications equipment
  • Radio equipment
  • Medical devices
  • Household appliances
  • Lighting equipment
  • Information technology equipment

Application Process to obtain Type Approval for Fiji

  • Provide Application Receipt with relevant documents  
  • The application fee  must be paid along with the submission of the application to the TAF. 
  • The processing time for a Type approval is 2 weeks. 
  • A Type approved certificate is valid for the equipment’s life and does not need renewed. If the product is changed, the certification becomes null and void. 
  • Common certification for a series or family of models is not granted. Each equipment type must be Type Approved. 


Related Services

Click here  to know about the Approval Process for the Canadian Market

Click here to know about the SRCC certifications

Click here to know everything about European Type Approval

Click here to know everything about  Type Approval for Hong Kong

Click here to know everything about  India Approvals

Click here to know everything about  Type Approval for Japan

Click here to know everything about  Type Approval for Malaysia

Click here to know everything about  Type Approval for Russia

Click here to know everything about  Type Approval for Saudi Arabia

Click here to know everything about  Type Approval for South Africa

Click here to know everything about  Type Approval for Singapore

Click here to know everything about  Type Approval for South America

Click here to know everything about  Type Approval for South Korea

Click here to know everything about  Type Approval for Taiwan

Click here to know everything about  Type Approval for USA

Company Strengths at a glance

Why C-PRAV? ​

At C-PRAV, we specialize in navigating the Landscape of Fiji’s conformity standards for telecommunications equipment. Our dedicated team not only simplifies the application process but also takes the lead in managing the process, including document preparation and handling the application fee.  

Comprehensive Support

We provide seamless experience through Fiji’s Type Approval intricacies, allowing you to focus on your business priorities with confidence. 

Our support extends into the long-term, ensuring that your certification remains valid throughout the entire lifespan of your equipment 


Expert Services

At C-PRAV, we have successfully completed many approvals for Fiji and have the experience for timely completions while providing tailored and expert strategies for each equipment type, ensuring a smooth and compliant approval process.  



Timely Delivery

What sets us apart is our commitment to efficiency – with a swift 2-week processing time, we ensure your Type Approval or FIJI certification is expedited without compromising TIME TO MARKET.

Regulatory Updates for Fiji

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