Navigating Regulatory Compliance: “S” Band and WPC Licensing

Question: If a non-Telecom product you want to sell in India has WiFi 11abgn, BT/BLE, LTE, Satellite “S” band Tx & Rx, 60GHz “V” band Tx, can you apply for WPC Equipment Type-Approval (ETA-SD) ? Answer: Yes, you can apply for WPC ETA-SD for all the delicensed bands like WiFi, BT, however other Radios like […]

Select Mandatory dates for security testing of Wi-Fi CPE & IP Router under MTCTE

We are getting near to the mandatory dates for security testing of Wi-Fi CPE & IP Router under MTCTE. A lot of manufacturers have shown a good response by starting early to check if their product meets the NCCS requirements. Pre-compliance testing is available for manufacturers to verify where their product stands in terms of Network & Cyber […]

Battery Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2023

Central govt has amended following rules in the Battery waste Management (Amendment) Rule 2023 in the interest of Producers and recyclers.  1)New definition of Battery: Battery means new or refurbished cell or Battery, including accumulator, which is any source of electrical energy generated by direct conversion of chemical energy and includes disposable primary or secondary […]

Plastic Waste Management (Second Amendment) Rules 2023

Central govt has amended following rules in the Plastic Waste Management Rule 2016 in the interest of PIBO(s) and recyclers.  1) New definition of “Carry bags’’: Bags made from plastic material or compostable plastic or biodegradable plastic, used for the purpose of carrying or dispensing, commodities, which have a self-carrying feature but do not include bags […]

Clarification regarding Bluetooth Interface-reg

One Clarification has been provided in the latest notification dated 30th Oct regarding Bluetooth Interface. Clarification has been sought since Bluetooth has not been mentioned in Bluetooth Low Energy Interface in the ERs and Annexure to ER which are uploaded On MTCTE Portal.  Now it is clarified that-  Interface/Parameter/Annexure Name  Existing   May be read […]


CRS portal has recently been updated for Inclusion case. Inclusion case is the addition/registration of new model(s) under existing registration.   Existing process: Upload the final test report and undertaking over portal followed by payment process in BIS portal.    New process: Below additional documents are required along with final report and Undertaking.   i)Brand trademark certificate copy […]

Draft of IS 62368-1: 2023 is open for comment 

LITD-7 is a technical committee in BIS has released draft of IS 162368 (PART 1) Second revision for public comments till 15th Dec 2023 in BIS standardization portal. The first revision of this standard was published in 2020 and identical to IEC 62368-1: 2018.   This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect […]

TRAI Consultation: Open Use of Unused Spectrum Bands in Tera Hertz Range

TRAI Consultation Paper on ‘’Open and De-licensed use of Unused or Limited Used Spectrum Bands for Demand Generation for Limited Period in Tera Hertz Range’’ Proposed by the DoT’s Committee as following. Frequency band 77-81 GHz band may also be delicensed for automotive radar applications in line with international practice.”The frequency bands, 116-123 GHz, 174.8-182 GHz, 185-190 […]