TCRA – Introduction to new labelling requirements. 

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The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TRCA) has issued new criteria for the Type Approval of Electronic Communications Equipment. 

The label for type authorised electronic communication equipment must fulfil both physical and digital standards, as follows:

  •  The text on the label must be in arial font type with a minimum size of 5, ensuring readability under varying lighting circumstances. 
  • The label must use either black or white fonts, depending on the surface on which it will be shown, to ensure that it is readable under various situations. 
  • The e-label must meet the same requirements and design standards as the physical label, using the same font style, colour, and size on different screen sizes to provide clarity and clear viewing across devices. 
  • The label must be designed to appear as shown below. The alphanumeric letters XXXXXX/XXX/XXXX are taken from the issued type approval certificate number for the equipment. 
  • The label will be provided following type approval of a specific equipment, and it will be available via the internet site. 

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