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Display Requirements for Safety-Certified Products in Korea 

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In a recent announcement, regulatory authorities in Korea have outlined specific requirements for the display of safety certification on products. 

  • These guidelines will allow consumers to easily identify safety-certified products in the market. Here are the key details:
    • The KC mark, indicating that a product has met safety certification standards, must be prominently displayed on either the product itself or its packaging. 
    • Various methods such as sticking, printing, or engraving may be employed to affix the KC mark securely, preventing accidental removal. 
    • To enhance accessibility, information related to safety certificates, safety standards, and other specified details by the Director of the National Institute of Technology and Standards must be presented in Korean. 
    • For electrical appliances, an exception is made, allowing information to be presented in either Korean or English. 
    • The design colour for the safety certification mark is primarily black. However, complementary colours are permissible, providing some flexibility in the visual presentation. 

Once the approval letter is issued, manufacturers are authorized to use the safety certification mark in accordance with the established guidelines. 

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