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Chile Radio Type Approval

SUBTEL Certification

SUBTEL Type Approval in Chile

SUBTEL (Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones) is the government body responsible for regulating telecommunications in Chile. For products utilizing radio frequencies, cellular technologies, or satellite communications, obtaining type approval from SUBTEL is mandatory to ensure the devices meet local compliance standards before they can be marketed or used in the country.


Overview of the SUBTEL Homologation Approval Process

The Chile radio type approval process can be streamlined for most products, particularly those that already comply with international standards such as the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) or CE (Conformité Européenne). Here’s an outline of the key aspects of the approval:

Use of Existing Test Reports:

In most cases, Chile does not require additional in-country testing. Manufacturers can submit existing test reports that comply with recognized international standards. SUBTEL will review these reports and technical documents during the SUBTEL homologation process.

Technical Documentation Review:

During the certification, SUBTEL will evaluate technical documents, such as radio frequency reports, user manuals, product photographs and product specifications, to ensure compliance with local regulations.

System and Family Approvals:

According to Resolution 1985, 2017, SUBTEL considers system or family approvals rather than individual product approvals. Devices grouped under the same technology family can often undergo a single approval process, making it efficient for manufacturers with multiple related products.

No Local Representation Requirement:

Unlike many countries, Chile does not mandate having a local representative to handle the approval process. Manufacturers can directly submit their applications for certification

Products Requiring SUBTEL Approval

SUBTEL type approval is necessary for a wide range of products that use wireless communication. Some examples include:

Two-way radios and portable transceivers
Wireless telephones (including DECT systems)
RFID systems
Wireless microphones and remote radio controls
Medical devices with wireless communication capabilities
Radar systems used in vehicles
Zigbee-enabled devices

Labeling Requirements for CHILE

Chile regulates the use of certification labels differently from many other countries. Generally, wireless devices do not require a certification label on the product, packaging, or user manual. This rule applies to most products approved by SUBTEL, simplifying the process for manufacturers.

Exception for Mobile Phones:
Mobile phones using 2G, 3G, or 4G technologies, which are certified under Multiband/SAE Homologation, must have a certification label on the product packaging. The label must:

  • Have a minimum height of 3 cm.
  • Clearly indicate the frequency bands that the product supports.

This ensures that consumers are informed about the device’s compatibility with different frequency bands. Below is an example of the certification label format used for mobile phones.

SUBTEL Key Regulatory Resolutions

Resolution 1985, 2017: This resolution outlines permissible frequency bands and maximum radiated power limits. It clarifies the allowable field strength for devices used indoors and outdoors, ensuring minimal interference with other radio systems.
Resolution 840, 2007 and Resolution 666, 2008: These resolutions permit the use of very low-power devices and other low-power wireless technologies, expanding the range of products that can be certified under simplified processes.

Radiated Power Restrictions in Chile

For radio type approval, Chile imposes restrictions on the maximum radiated power output for devices, depending on the frequency and the intended use of the equipment. These regulations are in place to ensure that wireless devices operate within safe and permissible limits, avoiding interference with other systems.

  • Devices must adhere to specific power limits for different frequency bands as outlined by SUBTEL.
  • Exceptions to these power limits may be granted, but only when new test reports are submitted from an accredited testing laboratory demonstrating compliance with SUBTEL’s technical requirements.


Manufacturers intending to exceed these power limits must present updated RF testing data to gain approval for higher radiated power output.

SEC Safety and Energy Efficiency Certification

In addition to SUBTEL certification for radio and telecom devices, certain products, particularly electrical equipment, must also comply with SEC (Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels) regulations for safety and energy efficiency. Products requiring SEC approval include:

  • Electrical appliances and home devices
  • Lighting systems and lamps
  • Personal protection equipment
  • Products using gas or liquid fuels

SEC approval often requires sample testing in Chile, along with compliance with local safety and energy efficiency standards.

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Detailed Information

Local Representation Required


In Country Testing Required

Mostly relies on existing international test reports (e.g., FCC) and does not require local testing.


Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones (SUBTEL)

Sample Requirements


Country Specific Mark

Generally not required for wireless devices. Exception: Mobile phones (2G/3G/4G) require labeling on packaging.



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Why C-PRAV? ​

C-PRAV is your trusted partner for obtaining SUBTEL homologation in Chile, offering a seamless process for telecom and wireless device approvals. With extensive experience in handling global certifications, C-PRAV understands the specific regulatory requirements in Chile and ensures your product meets all necessary standards. By utilizing existing international test reports like those from the FCC or CE, we help streamline the approval process, saving you the time and cost of in-country testing.

Our team takes care of all the technical documentation, including RF reports and certificates, making sure everything is submitted accurately and efficiently to SUBTEL. With clear communication and expert handling of complex cases, such as mobile phones requiring Multiband/SAE Homologation, C-PRAV ensures that even challenging projects are handled smoothly. Additionally, we provide support beyond the approval stage, helping you navigate regulatory changes and maintain compliance for your products in the long term.

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