Bolivia Radio Type Approval

ATT Certification

Understanding ATT Certification for Bolivia

Bolivia’s radio type approval process is regulated to ensure that telecommunications and radio frequency equipment meets national standards for quality, safety, and compatibility within the country’s infrastructure

Regulatory Authority

The Autoridad de Regulación y Fiscalización de Telecomunicaciones y Transportes (ATT) is Bolivia’s regulatory authority responsible for telecommunications and radio type approvals. Their primary role includes ensuring devices meet Bolivian standards to prevent interference and maintain public network integrity

Products Requiring Approval

Any equipment using radio frequencies, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other short-range devices, must undergo type approval before market entry. This covers:

  • Radio transmitters and receivers
  • Devices using the radio spectrum (e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth)
  • Equipment intended for connection to public telecommunications network

Required Test Reports

For the approval process, ATT accepts international test reports, including:

  • CE Reports: covering Radio Frequency (RF), Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Safety, and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR).
  • CE Declaration of Conformity (DoC): essential as a part of the technical documentation package.

Applicable Test Standards

Bolivia’s type approval aligns with several EN and TBR standards, covering safety, RF, and EMC requirements:

  • RF Standards: EN 300 328, EN 301 893, EN 301 908, EN 300 400
  • EMC Standards: EN 301 489 series
  • Safety Standards: EN 60950, EN 62368, EN 62479, EN 62311
  • Telecom Standards: TBR 21, TBR 38


These standards ensure that the products meet European and FCC criteria, which ATT accepts as part of the technical compliance documentation

Documentation and Testing

Bolivia typically does not require in-country testing. The ATT accepts international test reports, such as those aligned with the EU’s RED directive or FCC standards​

Applicants must provide these test reports along with technical documentation for evaluation

Local Representation

A local representative must submit the type approval application and required documents to ATT’s regional offices in Bolivia. This representative is responsible for liaising with ATT during the approval process

Additional Considerations

  • Non-Homologation Letter: For products that do not require type approval, ATT provides a ‘No Homologation’ letter to facilitate customs clearance


  • Certificate Modifications: ATT distinguishes between minor updates and substantial modifications to already approved devices.

Labeling and Validity

Unlike many other countries, Bolivia does not have specific labeling requirements for approved products​

The type approval certificate issued by ATT is valid for five year
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Company Strengths at a glance

Why C-PRAV? ​

As a trusted partner for Bolivia radio type approval, C-PRAV brings extensive experience in navigating complex regulatory frameworks across Latin America. Our team’s expertise in Bolivian regulatory requirements, coupled with our streamlined handling of FCC and EU RED international test reports, ensures a smooth approval process through Bolivia’s Autoridad de Regulación y Fiscalización de Telecomunicaciones y Transportes (ATT).

Regulatory Updates for Bolivia

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