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ANATEL Certification

Services For Radio & Wireless Devices

Ensure access To Brazilian market with ANATEL Certification

ANATEL Certification Mark

Understanding ANATEL Certification

ANATEL certification ensures that products adhere to Brazil’s stringent safety, technical, and environmental standards, protecting both consumers and the country’s telecommunications infrastructure

ANATEL is the only regulatory body that oversees telecommunications products in the country. Certifications from international authorities, such as the FCC or CE, do not meet Brazil’s regulatory standards.


Types of Equipment and Product Categories

ANATEL certification applies to a wide range of telecommunications equipment, which can be classified into three distinct categories based on their usage and technical characteristics. This classification helps define the specific certification and testing requirements for each type of device.


Category I: Consumer Devices

This category includes telecommunications products primarily used by end-users, such as:

  • Mobile phones, satellite phones, and VoIP phones.
  • Chargers, cables, and other accessories for telecommunications.


Products in this category undergo comprehensive testing in ANATEL-accredited laboratories to ensure compliance with essential standards like electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), radiofrequency (RF) emissions, and electrical safety. Manufacturers without ISO 9001 certification may need to have their production processes evaluated separately.

Certification Validity: Category I products are typically certified for one year, requiring annual re-evaluation to ensure ongoing compliance. Re-testing helps verify that the product continues to meet the initial technical standards.


Category II: Radio Emitting Devices

This category covers products that emit radio frequencies but are not typically designed for direct consumer use. Examples include:

  • Antennas.
  • Wi-Fi network devices.
  • Radiofrequency automation systems.

These devices undergo initial testing to ensure their radio emissions are within the required legal limits. The certification for Category II products is valid for two years, and re-certification typically involves a review of documentation rather than re-testing.

Modular Certification: For products that remain unchanged from their original design, ANATEL allows for modular recertification, simplifying the process and reducing the need for extensive testing.


Category III: Telecommunications Infrastructure Equipment

This category includes devices that support telecommunications networks but do not emit radio frequencies, such as:

  • Fiber optic cables.
  • Cable connectors.
  • Mobile signal amplifiers.

Certification for Category III products is generally permanent unless significant modifications are made to the device. These products do not require periodic re-testing after the initial certification.

Process to Obtain ANATEL Certification

 Appoint a Designated Certification Body (OCD)

Foreign manufacturers seeking ANATEL approval must work through an Organismo de Certificação Designado (OCD), a certification body accredited by ANATEL. The OCD is responsible for managing the certification process, from coordinating product testing with ANATEL-accredited laboratories to preparing the necessary documentation for submission.

The selection of an appropriate OCD is crucial, as it determines the effectiveness and efficiency of the approval process. The OCD acts as a liaison between the manufacturer and ANATEL.

Submission of Required Documentation

Once an OCD has been engaged, manufacturers must submit the following documentation to initiate the certification process:

  • Manufacturer information: Details regarding the company and factory locations.
  • Technical documentation: Including user manuals, product specifications, and operational guides.
  • Product images: Photos showing internal and external views of the device.
  • Product schematics and electrical diagrams: Required for products with complex electronics.
  • ISO 9001 certification: If available, this demonstrates the manufacturer’s adherence to international quality standards.
 Product Testing

The OCD will determine the necessary tests based on the product’s category and technical specifications. Testing generally involves:

  • Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC): Ensuring the product does not interfere with other devices.
  • Radiofrequency (RF): Verifying that the product’s emissions fall within legal limits.
  • Electrical safety: Confirming that the product is safe for consumer use and meets Brazil’s strict voltage and surge protection standards.

Sample Quantities: The number of product samples required varies by category. For example, lithium-ion batteries may require testing of up to 54 units, while devices like modems or phones might only need a few units. Some manufacturers submit multiple samples to expedite the testing process.

Certification Issuance

Once testing is successfully completed, the OCD compiles the results and issues a Certificate of Conformity. This document certifies that the product complies with ANATEL’s technical requirements. The OCD then submits the certificate and all relevant documentation to ANATEL for final review. Once approved, ANATEL grants homologation, allowing the product to be legally sold and used in Brazil.

Labeling and Post-Certification Requirements

Once a telecommunications product has received ANATEL certification, it must display proper homologation identification before entering the Brazilian market. This identification can be applied in several formats, as outlined in ANATEL Act No. 4088 issued on July 31, 2020.

One approved method is the ANATEL Seal, which includes key elements for product identification:

  • XXXXX: A unique, five-character sequence representing the homologation approval number.
  • YY: Two digits indicating the year when the approval was granted.
  • ZZZZZ: A five-digit code corresponding to the product manufacturer.


Alternatively, the labeling can include the word “ANATEL” followed by the approval code, for example, “ANATEL XXXXX-YY-ZZZZZ” or “ANATEL: XXXXX-YY-ZZZZZ.”

To further modernize the process, ANATEL also allows the use of electronic labels (e-labels) or QR codes for products with digital displays, ensuring the homologation mark remains accessible without occupying physical space on the product. These formats must remain legible and durable for the entire life cycle of the product, ensuring compliance even during regular use.

This flexibility in labeling provides manufacturers with options for displaying compliance while ensuring that consumers and regulatory bodies can easily verify the product’s status

ANATEL Certification Mark

Registration in ANATEL’s SCH Mosaico System

After certification, the product must be registered in the SGCH (Sistema de Gestão de Certificação e Homologação), ANATEL’s certification management system. This final step requires submission of:

  • CNPJ: The Brazilian business registration number.
  • Warranty information: Details about the product’s warranty period and coverage.
  • Product label images: Showing where the ANATEL seal will be placed.


Only after completing the registration can the product be marketed in Brazil

Local Representation for ANATEL Certification

The following parties can apply for ANATEL certification:

  • Manufacturers: Both local and international.
  • Importers and distributors: Companies responsible for bringing products into the Brazilian market.
  • Individual applicants: People or businesses seeking certification for private-use equipment.


Foreign companies must work through a local legal representative registered in Brazil. This representative is accountable for ensuring the product’s compliance with Brazilian law and for handling any legal or technical issues that may arise.

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Company Strengths at a glance

Why C-PRAV? ​

C-PRAV provides a seamless approach to obtaining ANATEL certification, guiding clients through every step of the approval process. From managing required documentation, coordinating with ANATEL-accredited labs, and ensuring compliance with Brazilian regulations, C-PRAV ensures that manufacturers, importers, and distributors receive expert support tailored to the specific requirements of their product. Their in-depth understanding of ANATEL’s regulations and procedures minimizes delays and facilitates smooth entry into the Brazilian market.

Comprehensive Support

By managing all compliance tasks—from documentation to product testing—C-PRAV ensures your product is fully certified and ready for the Brazilian market, while maintaining responsibility for ongoing regulatory adherence, making them the optimal choice for foreign businesses.

Cost-Effective Solutions

C-PRAV offers cost-effective solutions by streamlining the approval process, reducing potential back-and-forth with regulatory bodies, and providing expert insights that help avoid unnecessary costs. Their expertise allows clients to avoid common mistakes that can lead to re-testing or document re-submission, saving both time and money. Additionally, by offering a single point of contact for various regulatory requirements, C-PRAV reduces overhead and helps clients manage budgets effectively

We Have Great Answers

Ask Us Anything

ANATEL certification is mandatory approval for telecommunications products in Brazil to ensure they meet local technical, safety, and regulatory standards.

The validity depends on the product category. Generally, Category I certifications are valid for one year, while Category II certifications are valid for two years. Category III products do not require periodic renewal unless modified.

Products that transmit radio frequencies or connect to telecommunications networks, such as smartphones, modems, Wi-Fi routers, and radio transmitters, require ANATEL certification.

Foreign companies must appoint a local legal representative in Brazil to handle the certification process, ensuring compliance with ANATEL’s regulations.


Yes, products must undergo testing in ANATEL-accredited laboratories located in Brazil to meet the regulatory standards.


No, the certification is non-transferable and is issued specifically to the company that applied for it.


Regulatory Updates for Brazil

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