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AS/NZS IEC 60335 - for Household Appliance

The AS/NZS 60335 series addresses the safety of household and similar electrical appliances in Australia and New Zealand. It aligns with the international IEC 60335 series, incorporating modifications to suit regional conditions.

The AS/NZS 60335 series is divided into multiple parts:
Part 1: General Requirements (AS/NZS 60335.1:2022)

This part sets out the general safety requirements for electrical appliances intended for household and similar purposes. It adopts the sixth edition of IEC 60335-1 with modifications to accommodate local conditions in Australia and New Zealand​ 

Part 2: Particular Requirements:
These parts are designed to supplement or modify the general requirements in Part 1 to address specific types of appliances. Each appliance category, such as vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, and electric heaters, has its own specific Part 2 standard.

Other Safety Standards

Examples of Appliances 
Relevant Standards

Cooking Appliances

Stationary electric cooking ranges, hobs, ovens

Grills, Toasters

AS/NZS IEC EN 60335-2-6,

AS/NZS 60335-2-9 (portable cooking appliances )

Cleaning Appliances

Vacuum Cleaners and Water-Suction Cleaning Appliances

Washing Machines

AS/NZS IEC EN 60335-2-2

AS/NZS 60335-2-7

Heating Appliances

Room Heaters,

Heating Pads, Electric Blankets

AS/NZS IEC EN 60335-2-30,

AS/NZS IEC EN60335-2-17

Food Preparation

Kitchen Machines

Appliances for Heating Liquids


AS/NZS IEC EN 60335-2-14,

AS/NZS IEC EN60335-2-15

Personal Care

Shavers, hair clippers and similar appliances

AS/NZS IEC EN 60335-2-8

Laundry Appliances

Tumble Dryers,

Ironing Machines

AS/NZS IEC EN 60335-2-11,

AS/NZS IEC EN 60335-2-44

Cooling Appliances


Air conditioners, Electrical Heat Pumps,  Dehumidifiers


AS/NZS IEC EN 60335-2-24,

AS/NZS IEC EN 60335-2-40

Water Heating

Fixed immersion heaters

AS/NZS IEC EN 60335-2-73


Amusement machines and Personal service machines

 AS/NZS IEC EN 60335-2-82

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Why C-PRAV? ​

With extensive experience in certifying household electrical appliances, C-PRAV specializes in navigating the complex requirements of IEC 60335, ensuring your products comply with international safety standards.

For more information about IEC 60335

Quick FAQ'S

Appliances such as electric stoves, water heaters, vacuum cleaners, food processors, hairdryers, and microwave ovens are specifically covered under various parts of IEC 60335.


Testing for IEC 60335 typically includes assessments for electrical insulation, temperature rise, leakage current, mechanical stability.



Yes, while IEC 60335 serves as a global standard, some countries may have additional national deviations or require further testing to meet local regulatory requirements.


Manufacturers must design their products in line with the specific requirements outlined in the relevant parts of IEC 60335, conduct necessary tests, and obtain certification from accredited bodies.


Manufacturers typically need to provide a test report, certification documentation, and technical files that show adherence to IEC 60335 requirements.


Non-compliance can result in the inability to sell products in markets that require IEC 60335 certification, product recalls, or liability for safety-related incidents.