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Services For Electronic Devices

Ensure Japanese market access with PSE MARK


Understanding PSE Mark

The PSE (Product Safety Electrical Appliance & Material) mark is a must-have for many electrical and electronic products in Japan. It shows that these products meet the standards set by the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law, ensuring they’re safe and reliable.

Products Requiring PSE Mark

There are two categories of products that require a PSE Certificate. 

Category A, known as Specified Products, includes items like single-phase small power transformers, heating appliances, motor-operated appliances, and electronic appliances. Category B, referred to as Non-specified Products, encompasses household electrical products such as rice cookers, curling irons, and television receivers.

The certification process involves evaluating the safety and EMC characteristics of the products to ensure compliance with technical requirements. For Category A, electrical appliances, an evaluation of the manufacturer’s factory facility is also conducted.

Category B products, which have lower risks, follow a self-declaration scheme and are labeled with the PSE Circle Mark. 



Category A products that pose higher risks can be affixed with the  PSE Diamond Mark after successfully obtaining mandatory certification. The Diamond PSE Mark has a validity period of 3, 5, or 7 years, depending on the classification. The test lab used for Category A appliances must be registered by METI, either locally or overseas, and must adhere to both safety and EMI test standards. 

The factory undergoes an initial inspection, but periodic inspections are not required. The license for the PSE Diamond Mark must be issued to a Japanese company, and only one factory is permitted to be displayed on the PSE certificate.

Some of the Category A Products are: 

AC/DC power supply
Electric pumps
Electric sauna baths, etc

For Full List please refer to the link below : Specified Products


The Circle Mark has a validity period of 3 years. 

Category B products must be tested according to Japanese or IEC standards with Japanese deviation. These can be tested by the manufacturer if they have the necessary capabilities, or by any third-party test lab.

Some of the Category B Products are: 

  • Electric toasters, ovens
  • LED Lamps
  • Remote Control Relays, etc


For Full List, that require PSE Certificate please refer to the link below : Non- Specified Products


Process for the Sale of pSE Products

The following flowchart provides an overview of the key steps involved in PSE certification


Responsibilities of manufacturers and importers 

  • Importers must officially notify METI before importing electrical equipment regulated under the PSE Law.
  • Specified Electrical Products require third-party conformity assessment and PSE Certification, while Non-Specified Electrical Products does not need to do conformity assessment but can obtain voluntary S-JQA certification.
  • All products must undergo final compliance checks prior to shipment and retain records
  • Notifying suppliers/manufacturers have fulfilled the obligations related to regulations required before
    distribution, they should use the marking (or <PS> E) or (or (PS) E) to products
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Cost-Effective Solutions

 We recognize that every product is unique, which is why we specialize in customizing compliance strategies to perfectly align with your specific needs and budget. Our comprehensive, end-to-end service is designed to be cost-effective while delivering exceptional results

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For PSE Mark certification, local representation may not be explicitly mandatory, but it can significantly facilitate the certification process, especially for foreign manufacturers.

For High risk products that fall under specified list, testing should be done by a METI  accredited  lab

The “Diamond PSE” mark is used for Specified Electrical Appliances (Category A) and indicates stricter regulatory requirements, including mandatory third-party testing and certification. The “Round PSE” mark is for Non-Specified Electrical Appliances (Category B) and generally requires self-declaration of conformity by the manufacturer.

Certain low-voltage products and small electrical components may be exempt from the PSE mark requirement.

In Japan, the Product Safety Electrical Appliance and Materials (PSE) mark is the primary safety certification required for many electrical and electronic products. However, having other international safety certifications does not automatically exempt products from needing the PSE mark for sale in Japan.

Yes, the PSE mark is required for both domestically manufactured and imported electrical products that fall under the scope of the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law

Regulatory Updates for japan

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