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Guidelines to establish and operate “Spectrum Regulatory Sandbox/ Wireless Test Zones (WiTe Zones)” -reg 

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The Authority has decided to issue the guidelines to establish and operate ‘Spectrum Regulatory Sandbox’ (SRS) or ‘WiTe Zones (Wireless Test Zones)’ in the field of wireless radio communications for the purpose of testing wireless products and technologies for R&D/Experimentation, outdoor testing in specified spectrum bands and also to promote Make in India concept. 

Eligible entities for WiTe Zones (area not covered by mobile operators, located in rural areas)

National Academic or Research institutes (e.g. Universities, Technical Institutions, CDoT, CDAC, IITs, ITI, BEL, ECIL, SAMEER etc., R&D Labs, Central/State Government/UTs departments or their PSUs), Technology Parks, TSPs, incubators, industry partners, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs

 For more information/details please see the link below.

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