A generic exemption from submission of test reports for below mentioned test parameters pertaining to various ERs of Optical Fibre (Single Mode) and Optical Fibre Cable products notified under MTCTE has been extended up to 30.06.2024 or till further orders.
Mechanical Characteristics Proof test for minimum strain level
Material Properties- Fiber Materials- The substances of which fibers are made
Colour qualification for color fibres- MEK RUB Test (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)
Colour qualification for color fibres
Lightning Test
DC Resistance Test
Short Circuit Test
Lightning Arc Test
Flame Spread-Bunched cable
Smoke Test/Smoke Density Test
Acid gas (Toxicity) (Test on toxic gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables)
Flame retardant
Electrical Characteristics- Power Feeding Wires
Transfer impedance and Coupling attenuation
Requirements for fire performance of Optical/metallic hybrid cables should meet fire safety regulations
For more information, please visit: MTCTE-TEC