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Taiwan Type Approval

Type Approval - nCC Approval & BSMI Mark

Taiwan has Type Approval requirements for certain types of products, including radio products and general products like textile products, plastics, toys etc…

These ensure that these products meet specific safety, quality, and regulatory standards before they can be sold or imported into Taiwan.

For radio products, the National Communications Commission (NCC) in Taiwan is responsible for regulating and certifying radio frequency devices. Manufacturers and importers must obtain NCC certification to demonstrate compliance with Taiwan’s technical standards and regulations for radio frequency emissions, ensuring that the products do not interfere with other electronic devices or pose risks to public health and safety.

Similarly, products  intended for sale or distribution in Taiwan must comply with safety standards and regulations set by the Taiwan government. The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) is the agency responsible for enforcing these regulations.  Manufacturers and importers are required to obtain BSMI certification or apply for conformity assessment to ensure that their products meet the necessary safety requirements and do not pose any hazards to consumers.

The Taiwan Type Approval involves testing, inspection, and documentation to ensure compliance with applicable standards. Once the products have obtained the necessary certifications, they can be legally sold and distributed within Taiwan’s market, providing assurance to consumers that the products meet the required safety and quality standards.

It’s important to note that the BSMI mark is separate from the NCC type approval process. While NCC type approval focuses on the radio frequency and communication aspects of electronic products, the BSMI mark specifically addresses safety and quality requirements.

Manufacturers and importers should ensure that their products meet both the NCC type approval and BSMI mark requirements, if applicable, to ensure compliance with the regulations and successful market entry in Taiwan.

NCC Approval

ncc authority logo

Ensure the NCC Approval for your radio products with our NCC Certification Services


Discover how we can assist you in navigating the complexities of entering Taiwan with BSMI certification

bsmi logo

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Company Strengths at a glance

Why C-PRAV? ​

 Our mission is clear – to simplify the Taiwan Type approval process for you. This involves everything from drafting Regulatory/Test Plans, evaluating, and validating overseas test reports, preparing assessment reports, organizing testing (local or international) as needed, coordinating Certification—all in preparation for bringing your product to market. 

Comprehensive Support

Recognizing that every product is unique, we customize compliance strategies to fit your specific needs. Whether you’re stepping into a new market or refining an existing gem, our experts provide personalized support for Taiwan approvals. And it doesn’t end there – our ongoing assistance post-launch ensures you’re ready to navigate any regulatory changes professionally.

Expert Handling

Think of us as your trusted guides through the compliance journey. Our dedicated project managers take charge, overseeing testing, certification, and registration seamlessly. With a global network of partners, we pave the way for a smooth approval process. 

Cost-Effective Solutions

We are more than willing to accommodate your needs, whether you require individual components, specific advice, or the whole package. We offer a cost-effective, end-to-end service customized to meet your unique requirements. 

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