1st meeting of Working Group 1 (Freq up to 1GHz), Working Group-2 (Freq 1 to 6GHz) and Working Group-3 (Freq above 6GHz) for the formation of new NFAP-2025 was conducted on 9th, 19th and 26th of July 2024 respectively. Based on the input documents received from the stakeholders/Industries/Service providers following frequency bands were discussed to be considered in the revised NFAP based on the device use case/applications. Unfortunately, unlicensed bands were not allowed to be part of these discussions.
There are several rounds of these WG meetings planned. We will keep you updated with outcomes of future meetings.
C-PRAV has been actively participating in all these WG meetings right from the kick-off plan. Please feel free to write to us any comments, suggestions, we will take these up to the meetings. Certifications@c-prav.com
Wish list: (Frequency up to 1 GHz)
- 698 to 960MHz to be included in the new NFAP for base station operations
- 814 to 824MHz has to be paired with 864 to 869MHz for Broadband PPDR application.
- 814-819 MHz to be allocated to broadband services
- 819 to 824 MHz for PPDR operations
- 918-922 MHz to be de-licensed in India for LPWAN, IoT and M2M services as this will help the Indian Manufacturers to compete in the global market.
- 470 to 694 MHz request for addition of footnote in new NFAP for PMSE
channelling Plan in VHF or other frequency bands, as applicable, shall be included in revised NFAP.
Wish List: (Frequency 1 to 6GHz)
- 2.7GHz to 2.9GHz- currently allocated for Aeronautical services in airports used for navigation purpose only. Requested DoT to earmark/allot the spectrum for enterprise (ERP)application in the revised NFAP
- 3.7 to 3.8GHz to be included in IND 16 footnote for CNPN (Captive Non-Public network) services.
- Permit MSS (Mobile satellite services) for IoT in 2 GHz band
- De-licensing of WiFi 6E bands in India.
Wish List: (Frequency above 6GHz)
- Modification in Footnote- IND 30 by adding new frequency bands for fixed satellite service.
- Allocation of band 6440-6520/6560-6640 MHz for Gateway links for HAPS to Ground and ground to HAPS
- 6GHz IND footnote for dedicated police usage
- Proposed text for modifications in IND 17 to be submitted by DCPW
- Use of wireless access systems (WAS) including Radio Local Area Network (RLAN) in 6 GHz.